
qARTA Bio Tehcnical Support Form - qPCR

qPCR Technical Support Form

For advanced technical support please submit this form. The more information you provide, the more effective our support can be. We will address your inquiry within 24 hours of receipt.

* Indicates required input

First name:* Email address:*
Last name:* Company/Institute:*
Select your qARTA product:* Select your qPCR instrument:
Template and Application Details:
Source of Template:
CG/AT rich template:
Organism (i.e human, corn, mouse, etc.):
How was target DNA/RNA purified/resuspended(i.e. 10 mM Tris pH 8.0)?
Reaction Mix Details:
Component Concentration Amount Final Concentration
qARTA mix 5X     1X
Primer, forward  µL
Primer, reverse  µL
Template DNA    
Nuclease-free water  µL
If cDNA was used, what was the maximum amount of Undiluted cDNA per Reaction: µL
If RNA was used, what was the maximum amount of RNA concentration per Reaction: µL
Instrument Cycling Parameters:
Cycle Step Temperature (°C) Time (mm:ss) Cycles
Initial Denaturation:
Please describe the problem, actual result, and your desired result.*
Please attach at least one screen shot of the amplification plot and dissociation plot obtained during your run.